Thursday, May 8, 2008

Freedom, power of love, courage and hope, good and evil.

I think this had many things, first of all this was about courage and hope because you need to have hope in order to have courage in hide. It could also be power of love because if you don't love each other then you can't share then you can get caught or die. Also I think this is about freedom because if the thing was over then they could have gained their freedom.


While I was watching the movie, I had no thoughts. I just sat there and was listening to what was just going on. I really had no ideas of others. I know all the story but I really never have really thought something will come up.

Why are there so many books, movie, documentaries, etc. about the Holocoust? Why do we keep retelling this story?

To tell you the truth, I not very sure that there is many things that talk about holocaust and also I not very sure that they are repeating. If there is then it is trying to tell us to do something or telling us to do what to do for that is what we should do and that is the right thing to do. So it want us to learn more and more about it.

Act one, scene 1-3 What do you think would be the hardest part of life in the secret Annex: The fear of discovery, the need to keep silent for .......

There wasn't enough space for the title. "hours at time, the sharing of cramped quarters with strangers, or some other aspect? I think all of it could make things all scary but the most thing will be the thought that getting caught will be the number one. Staying with strangers will be number two and Silence will be third. If you get caught then you can die. Also staying with strangers will be strange. Staying quiet for all the time will be hard. I will be really hard but trying to live is good thing to do.

Act one: "But always remember this, Anneke. There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.

I think by that it means that no one can control your mind or any thing that you are thinking of. I think that is really true because no one can know our minds and also no one can change or come into our minds. They can try to make our thinkings change but that decision is to us, not for them to make. We can to things that what we can do but we should have manners for what we are going to do and how we are going to do.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Act one, scene 1-3, Do Anne and Peter seem to have typical teenage attitude toward their families?

I think Anne is person who is really like my sister. I think she is not really mature enough to take the responsebility of how they are suppose to act in the stuation where they are in a corner when a tiger is trying to get you. When I think of Peter, he more like quiet but he is more like stressed and mad person in the movie. Anne is really kind of trouble maker to the family but Peter is also like good thing to his cat but peter's mother sort of makes fun of Peter so Peter get mad sometimes. Such as when Anne spilled milk on Mrs. Vaan Dan's Coat and Peter got mad when his mother called Anne, Peter's girlfriend.

What idea or insight it receals about human existence? What you think the play's themes are?

I think idea from here is talking about that all the people have their own thought and they want to act and do that way for that will make their life better. I think that is all the same to the all the people who is living on earth because all the people want things by that way and sometimes that is because that will make their life easier. We have hide from many things but I think that will be scary when you are hiding from something but when you get caught, then you are afraid. We all feel the same and that will be life on earth for that is the rule of earth but as a Christan we should be able to stand against what we believe for and what God is telling us to do.